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1954 Table of Contents |
January - |
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April - |
In the News... ● First atomic submarine Nautilus launched (Jan. 21). ● Five U.S. congressmen shot on floor of House as Puerto Rican nationalists fire from spectators' gallery; all five recover (March 1). ● Soviet Union grants sovereignty to East Germany (March 23). ● Army v. McCarthy inquiry - Senate subcommittee report blames both sides (April 22–June 17). ● Dien Bien Phu, French military outpost in Vietnam, falls to Vietminh army (May 7). (For detailed chronology, see Vietnam War.) ● U.S. Supreme Court (in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka) unanimously bans racial segregation in public schools (May 17). ● Eisenhower launches world atomic pool without Soviet Union (Sept. 6). ● Eight-nation Southeast Asia defense treaty (SEATO) signed at Manila (Sept. 8). ● Dr. Jonas Salk starts inoculating children against polio. ● Algerian War of Independence against France begins (Nov.); ● France struggles to maintain colonial rule until 1962 when it agrees to Algeria's independence. ● William Faulkner's A Fable wins Pulitzer. Automotive News ● Studebaker and Packard merge ● Nash and Hudson merge into American Motors ● First Ford Thunderbird (1955 model )